Posted January 29, 2021

Theodore Roosevelt Career-Technical Conversation For Interested Parents & Students Feb. 4 Virtually

Please attend the annual Kent Theodore Roosevelt high school Career Technical “Conversation with 10th grade Parents and Students” to learn about joining Career Technical Education programs at Kent TRHS. Below is the list of Kent THRS programs, virtual meeting times, and Google Meet links.

Program with link to websiteDateTimeVirtual Meeting Link
Athletic Health Care & Fitness2/46:00 PM
Business and Sports Management2/47:00 PM
Computer-Aided Design and Engineering Technologies2/46:00-7:30PM
Construction Technologies2/46:30 PM
Cosmetology2/47:00 PM
Electronics, Robotics, and Programming2/45:00 pm & 7:00pm
Engineering Academy2/46:00-7:30pm
Forestry and Landscape Management2/46:30 PM
Health Careers Technologies2/46:00-6:30pm
Marketing Management2/46:00-7:30pm
Teaching Professions2/46:00-7:30pm

Once students have checked out programs at TRHS or Six District Educational Compact programs, the next step is to fill out an application! Make sure you identify your preferences in rank order and apply by February 24, 2021.