The Wilson Reading Program is an encoding and decoding reading program.
Some of the skills and details of the Wilson Reading Program.
Offers a research-based program with more than twenty years of data collected and analyzed from school districts implementing the program.
Provides a systematic and cumulative approach to teach total word structure for decoding and encoding.
Follows a ten-part lesson plan that addresses decoding, encoding, oral reading fluency, and comprehension in a sensible and logical fashion.
Aids teachers by making all instruction multi-sensory and interactive.
Uses a unique “sound tapping” system.
Has one of the most extensive collections of controlled and decodable text (word lists, sentences, stories) for students beyond the primary grades.
Provides two levels of vocabulary, making this program appropriate for students with varying skill levels.
Uses criterion-based assessments built into the program to measure student progress and success.
Is a comprehensive program that can follow students from grade to grade.
As your Wilson Reading teachers we will be supporting regular education teachers in the areas of reading, writing, and spelling. We work with your IEP Case Manager to give progress in the assessments we administer, which assists in determining IEP progress/development for Reading goals/objectives. We also will be working with some students on fluency and reading comprehension to be successful in the general education classroom. Our curriculum is based on the Wilson Reading Program standards and aligned to meet each IEP goal.
Crystal Roberts
Eunicy Dolan