Reading Comprehension
One of the best ways to fight against summer reading loss and improve in reading comprehension is simply through reading every day. Reading can be a great relaxing summer activity. The trick is finding books that interest you that are written at your reading level. Use the AR book find website listed below to find thousands of books covering all kinds of subjects and interests. Once you are on the homepage, click on advance search. Once on the advance search page, enter your ZPD score that was sent home in the mail under the section ATOS book level. Select the interest level for Upper Grades. From there you can add search criteria to fit your interests.
The Kent Free Library has many books and ebooks, music, videos, music, and other resources that you can check out. If you are looking for people to read with this summer, the Kent Free Library has a book club for teens that meets every Saturday starting June 8th. Contact the Kent Free Library for more information.
A great and easy way to build vocabulary is to play word games. Consider having a game night once per week with family or friends and playing games that emphasize things like vocabulary or spelling. Here are a few suggestions you can try.
Board Games:
Solo Games:
Crossword Puzzles (there are Apps, or you could go with old fashioned pen and paper)
Words with Friends (App)
Word Solitaire (App)
Wurdle (App)
Bookworm (App)
Moxie 2 (App)
Befuddled (App)
Reading Fluency
The trick to building reading fluency is simple practice. Find texts that are fun to read and read them over and over again. We like to use poetry for this. Find a poem that you like and say it out loud to yourself every day. Once you’ve got it down pat and you can say it backwards and forwards, pick another poem and repeat the process. Even poems that are easy for you will still build the speed, accuracy and prosody with which you read. The website Poetry 180 is specifically geared toward high school students, but if you don’t like the poems there, there are a few other sites to try as well.
Poetry 180
More poetry sites
Comprehensive Reading Resource
A website with a wide range of reading resources for parents, students, and teachers with information and activities on many different elements of reading at all grade levels is K-12 Reader.
Reading Log
A summer reading log to document the texts read over the summer can be found at the link below.