About Holden

Welcome to Holden Elementary

132 W. School Street
Kent, Ohio 44240

 Phone: 330-676-8400

FAX: (330) 676-8405

Todd Poole – Principal

Gina Heitzenrater – Secretary

Bridgette Wright - Clinic

Vivien Ives - Counselor

Holden Schedule: (There is no adult supervision until 8:15)

8:15 - Students are able to enter the building for breakfast
8:30 - Students are able to enter building and go to class
8:40 - Tardy Bell - Students need to be in class
3:13 - Car Rider Bell
3:14 - Walkers Dismissed
3:15 - Bus Riders

Mission Statement

Inspire a love of learning/being at school, spark curiosity, be kind/mindful, and teach problem solving skills.

Vision Statement
Create life-long learners; problem solvers; critical thinkers who are mindful members of society.

Purple Star